Quip-Based Conversation IT by Leonardo Boselli

Version 4

"Un[']estensione a Reactable Quips per permettere un più tradizionale consersazione basata su menù. L[']unica modifica è la traduzione in italiano."


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


++ 0% (Reading text)
++ 5% (Analysing sentences)
++ 15% (Drawing inferences)
In Part 1 - Definitions, Section 1.1 - Library Message values in the extension
Italian by Leonardo Boselli:

The sentence 'The library message ids are defined by the table of
library messages' italian by leonardo
boselli (which asserts that 'LibMsg <examine while
dark>' (Leonardo Boselli/Italian.i7x, line 461)
is/are 'library message ids' italian by leonardo
boselli) seems to be talking about a previously
unknown room or thing called LibMsg <examine while dark>. Ordinarily, I
would create this, but because the name contains the word 'when' or 'while'
I'm going to say no. That's because this far more often happens by mistake
than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like 'Jumping
when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.' But in fact although
'jumping' is an action, 'Jumping when...' is not - 'when' can't be used
here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead
read as making an object 'jumping when the actor' and putting it on top of
another one, 'trampoline is high-jumping'. This can lead to a lot of
confusion. If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word
'when', try something like: 'In the box is a thing called When worlds

In row 103 of 'Table of library messages' italian by leonardo
boselli, the entry 'LibMsg <examine while dark>' italian by leonardo
boselli seems not to have defined a thing there, so
perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?

The sentence 'Table of library messages' italian by leonardo
boselli (which asserts that 'LibMsg <search while
dark>' (Leonardo Boselli/Italian.i7x, line 462)
is/are 'library message ids' italian by leonardo
boselli) seems to be talking about a previously
unknown room or thing called LibMsg <search while dark>. Ordinarily, I
would create this, but because the name contains the word 'when' or 'while'
I'm going to say no. That's because this far more often happens by mistake
than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like 'Jumping
when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.' But in fact although
'jumping' is an action, 'Jumping when...' is not - 'when' can't be used
here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead
read as making an object 'jumping when the actor' and putting it on top of
another one, 'trampoline is high-jumping'. This can lead to a lot of
confusion. If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word
'when', try something like: 'In the box is a thing called When worlds

In row 104 of 'Table of library messages' italian by leonardo
boselli, the entry 'LibMsg <search while dark>' italian by leonardo
boselli seems not to have defined a thing there, so
perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?

The sentence 'Table of library messages' italian by leonardo
boselli (which asserts that 'LibMsg <look under
while dark>' italian by leonardo
boselli is/are 'library message ids' italian by leonardo
boselli) seems to be talking about a previously
unknown room or thing called LibMsg <look under while dark>. Ordinarily, I
would create this, but because the name contains the word 'when' or 'while'
I'm going to say no. That's because this far more often happens by mistake
than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type lines like 'Jumping
when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.' But in fact although
'jumping' is an action, 'Jumping when...' is not - 'when' can't be used
here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the sentence is instead
read as making an object 'jumping when the actor' and putting it on top of
another one, 'trampoline is high-jumping'. This can lead to a lot of
confusion. If you genuinely do want an object whose name contains the word
'when', try something like: 'In the box is a thing called When worlds

In row 105 of 'Table of library messages' italian by leonardo
boselli, the entry 'LibMsg <look under while dark>' italian by leonardo
boselli seems not to have defined a thing there, so
perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?

The sentence 'Table of library messages' italian by leonardo
boselli (which asserts that 'LibMsg <cannot exit
when not within anything>' italian by leonardo
boselli is/are 'library message ids' italian by leonardo
boselli) seems to be talking about a previously
unknown room or thing called LibMsg <cannot exit when not within anything>.
Ordinarily, I would create this, but because the name contains the word
'when' or 'while' I'm going to say no. That's because this far more often
happens by mistake than deliberately. For instance, people sometimes type
lines like 'Jumping when the actor is on the trampoline is high-jumping.'
But in fact although 'jumping' is an action, 'Jumping when...' is not -
'when' can't be used here (though it can be used in rule preambles). So the
sentence is instead read as making an object 'jumping when the actor' and
putting it on top of another one, 'trampoline is high-jumping'. This can
lead to a lot of confusion. If you genuinely do want an object whose name
contains the word 'when', try something like: 'In the box is a thing called
When worlds collide.'

In row 161 of 'Table of library messages' italian by leonardo
boselli, the entry 'LibMsg <cannot exit when not
within anything>' italian by leonardo
boselli seems not to have defined a thing there, so
perhaps the first column did not consist of new names?
In Part 1 - Definitions, Section 1.1 - Library Message values in the extension
Italian by Leonardo Boselli:

You wrote 'The tenses are past tense and present tense' italian by leonardo
boselli: but this seems to say that a general
description is something else, like saying that 'a door is 20'.
++ Ended: Translation failed: 9 problems found
Copy Include Quip-Based Conversation IT by Leonardo Boselli to clipboard Include Quip-Based Conversation IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Vedi la documentazione originale di Version 4 of Quip-Based Conversation by Michael Martin.
Version 4 of Quip-Based Conversation IT by Leonardo Boselli begins here.

"Un[']estensione a Reactable Quips per permettere un più tradizionale consersazione basata su menù. L[']unica modifica è la traduzione in italiano."

"basato su Version 4 of Quip-Based Conversation by Michale Martin."

Include Version 9 of Reactable Quips IT by Leonardo Boselli.
Include Italian by Leonardo Boselli.

Section 1 - Cancelling ASK, TELL, and ORDERS

Before asking someone about: clue talking instead.
Before telling someone about: clue talking instead.
Before answering someone that: clue talking instead.
Before asking someone to try doing something: clue talking instead.

To clue talking:
say "[bracket]Use TALK TO to interact with characters.[close bracket][paragraph break]".

Section 2 - Member fields and default values

A person has a quip called a greeting. The greeting of a person is usually quip_null.
A person has a table-name called the litany. The litany of a person is usually the Table of No Conversation.

[This is the currently active litany.]
The qbc_litany is a table-name that varies. The qbc_litany is the Table of No Conversation.

Table of No Conversation
a texta quipa number

[ QBC is never active if RQ is. ]
To decide whether QBC is active:
   if the number of filled rows in the qbc_litany is not zero and not RQ is active, yes;

Section 3 - Initiating conversations

Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "parla [something]" or "parla [a-art] [something]" as talking to.

Check talking to:
   if the noun provides the property litany and the noun provides the property greeting, do nothing;
   otherwise say "In genere, è meglio parlare ad esseri viventi." instead.

Check talking to:
   if the greeting of the noun is quip_null and the number of filled rows in the litany of the noun is zero, say "Non ti viene in mente nulla da dire in particolare." instead.

Carry out talking to:
   if the greeting of the noun is not quip_null, deliver the greeting of the noun quip;
   if the number of filled rows in the litany of the noun is not zero:
     change the qbc_litany to the litany of the noun;
     display the QBC options.

[This is for when we have a Reactable Quips-style followup in the middle of a conversation.]
After responding with (this is the revert to normal conversation rule):
   display the QBC options.

To display the QBC options:
   if the game is over, stop;
   if RQ is active, stop;
   let qbc_index be 0;
   repeat through qbc_litany:
     if the enabled entry is 1:
       increase qbc_index by 1;
       say "[bracket][qbc_index][close bracket] [prompt entry][line break]";
   if qbc_index is not 0, change the number understood to 0;
   otherwise terminate the conversation.

Does the player mean talking to a person: it is likely.

Section 4 - Delivering lines

QBC responding with is an action applying to one number. Understand "[number]" or "dì [number]" as QBC responding with when QBC is active.

Carry out QBC responding with (this is the perform talking rule):
   let qbc_index be 0;
   repeat through the qbc_litany:
     if the enabled entry is 1:
       increase qbc_index by 1;
       if qbc_index is the number understood:
         change the enabled entry to 0;
         deliver the response entry quip;
         display the QBC options;
         rule succeeds;
   say "[bracket]Le risposte valide sono comprese tra 1 e [qbc_index]. Scrivi RIPETI per elencare le opzioni.[close bracket][paragraph break]".

Section 5 - Recaps

QBC recap is an action out of world applying to nothing. Understand "ripeti" or "ricapitola" as QBC recap when QBC is active.

Carry out QBC recap (this is the perform QBC recap rule):
   let qbc_index be 0;
   repeat through qbc_litany:
     if the enabled entry is 1:
       increase qbc_index by 1;
       if qbc_index is 1, say "Le opzioni disponibili sono:[paragraph break]";
       say "[bracket][qbc_index][close bracket] [prompt entry][line break]";
   [This "can't happen" but there's no reason to not check.]
   if qbc_index is 0, say "[bracket]Al momento non stai conversando.[close bracket][paragraph break]";

Section 6 - Utility functions

To enable the (q - a quip) quip for (o - a thing):
   repeat through the litany of o:
     if the response entry is q, change the enabled entry to 1.

To disable the (q - a quip) quip for (o - a thing):
   repeat through the litany of o:
     if the response entry is q, change the enabled entry to 0.

To enable the (q - a quip) quip:
   repeat through the qbc_litany:
     if the response entry is q, change the enabled entry to 1.

To disable the (q - a quip) quip:
   repeat through the qbc_litany:
     if the response entry is q, change the enabled entry to 0.

To shift the conversation to (t - a table-name):
   change the qbc_litany to t.

To run a conversation on (t - a table-name):
   shift the conversation to t;
   display the QBC options.

To terminate the conversation:
   change the qbc_litany to the Table of No Conversation.

Section 7 - Straightening out the parser

Before printing a parser error when QBC is active and the parser error is didn't understand that number:

Quip-Based Conversation IT ends here.